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Team Building and Team Working

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An impressive team is not just a group of talented individuals, how a team works as one is actually more important than who is on the team. This GHC workshop focuses on co-operation, team effectiveness, communication, goal setting, prioritisation and more.


This is a good forum to get team members working effectively together, united behind a clearly defined purpose, with demarcated goals and team roles. Our team building workshop enables team members to take part in a number of facilitated discussions and activities to delve into the topics and challenges most relevant to your team. 

Problem Solving


Learning to problem solve is a valuable skill for business, life, and work in general and forms the basis for tackling other disciplines such Kaizen and general improvement across the business.


Our problem solving workshops are suitable from employees at all levels within the organisation.

This half day problem solving workshop introduces the basic concepts of problem solving to demonstrate how the use of problem solving techniques can be used to bring about long term solutions to everyday problems found in administrative, manufacturing, service and other business areas. It is suitable for employees at all levels throughout the organisation, even those which do not or will not have any responsibilities under a lean manufacturing programme.

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